Sunday, March 31, 2002

hey.. how's everyone's break gone so far? i got to work out, but i've become a compulsive spender.. damn.. i don't even have a frggn job, so yea.. i was suppossed to go with matika to get one, but i don't kno what happened.. damn.. this break is gonna suck major [fill in the blank]...

Monday, March 25, 2002

whoa. THANX DRU! I juss read ur blog hahahaha. U juss did half the flashcards 4 me tite haha. Feel free to post the rest of them :D AHEM. "Where's Philip?". Wheres kristen! Im bored dammit, get online.

Saturday, March 23, 2002

danGg!! they have bLade 2 ouT?! shOot.. i didn't even knOw!! aigOoOOoo!! i hate Livin' here... cauSe i never get to knOw what mOvies are ouT!!! shiEzz!! hahah.. but yea~ i'm bOreD again... [[duo shim shim ha da]]. guess i'LL have to buSt out mY kOrean skiLLs again! hahah....... =_=

mE ahn : sorrY
mO haE? : wHaSsuP?!, what are yOu doing?
nO reh : sOnG
sa-ga-ji obs-so : ruDe
gu-da-um-eh : next
shi-baL : shiEt
gum-jag-i-yah : shoCked, suRprisEd
sa RanG obs-so : no LovE
so-n : hanD
babO gat-teh : aCtin' stOopid
babo : stooPid
bi-nu : sOap
pyuL : staR
ha-tu : heaRt

yea.. thats' aLL i gotsta get ready for church~ bYe bYe

Friday, March 22, 2002

tO anSwer that quEstiOn... "how are they gonna react?" .. to mE... it seeMs LikE he dOn't wanna taLk to mE anYmore.. cauSe he thinkS i'LL LikE him mOre or somethinG .. feeLs LikE i'm bEin' avOiDed... but then we stiLL taLk.. but it's not the samE. LikE a piEce of the friEndship enDed... and onCe you knOw the truth about the other persON feeLs... anD it's not the samE for you... it's LikE.... =_=

Don't worry rachel..i feel teh same way about u that u feel about me! lol j/p. Hmm to answer ur question u never do know if that person will feel the same. Its all about taking a risk and weather or not u think its a risk worth taking. So it may hurt a lil, but the its a nice "reward" if that person feels teh same way.

uhh today...i missed 5th and 6th...the play im in is one SAD piece of crap. The audience kept yawning! LOL. Luckily im juss chillin backstage! Oh well watever...time to destroy some people in tekken :P. buh bye.

hOw do you teLL someone yOu LikE them with out makin' it seem deSperaTe?

Thursday, March 21, 2002

damn Washington weather.. one day it rains.. one day it's cloudy.. then it snows.. now it's all sunny and crap.. what the fuhh.. our environment sucks ass..

anyways i just learned how to play Wasting My Time- Default.. a good song.. you should dL if you haven't already.. and damn spanish sucks..

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

wOw... danGg... sOrrY Lee!! =_= yOu can stay with mE uP in kOrea ^^;; but yea.. i heaRd it is snOwin' heLLa... danGg.. IT'S FRIGGIN' MARCH!! fLowerS shouLd be bLoominG!! it's gettin' waRm dOwn here. but yea.. i g2g~ sorrY sO shoRt! hEhE.. bYe~~

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

damn! maybe i'll win an award some other time.. but in a category that i actually fit it.. but it's like anyone will vote =(..

eww. i'm drooling. i'm sick. and you need lubrication..

.. your buttcheeks is warm.

Sunday, March 17, 2002

rachel, where'd you see it at?

ooh yea everyone...


if you're not wearing green and i see you, i'ma pinch your ass (not literally tho.. unless you're a girl)..

he he he..

ha ha.. and stuff.. i wanna say some things:

* Jeni- my car smells cuz i flagellate alot in it.. (j/m!)
* Mel- glad you think Penis Anus is funny.. i used the term "Bang Her", too!
* Rachelle- i remembered what you wanted, and you can be sure no one will kno.. i just wanted to "test" people, but i'll forget about it all for you..
* Justin- you suck! i can't believe jeni kicked your ass like that.. i said slap her ass harder..

anywho, i've been reading this book that i recently bought at Barnes and Noble.. it's a book titled Bruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body and it's basically Bruce Lee's way to build a body mentally and physically.. it''s hella tyte..

Q: the best thing you can do during the day is..?

A: Bruce Lee's answer was a subtle one. stretching. he'd stretch everyday everytime he had a chance to. that was one of the reason's he could kick so high. in the movie Game of Death (the one where he wears the infamous yellow jumpsuit), he kicks Kareem Abdul-Jabar right on the chin! Kareem stands well over 7ft while Lee was a measly 5ft 7in..

anywho, i should be stretching right now so yea.. peace everyone..

Saturday, March 16, 2002

hey y'all..

today was "alright".. i wanted to go to the gym, but i had to wait up on a friend who SLEPT when i told him we'd leave in, like, 15 minutes or so.. dammit.. then me and rjay went to the mall.. i left him, went home, got online, picked up a friend, then went back to the mall.. then we went to rjay's and i played metal gear 2 until 2am then we all left.. hmm.. i still don't kno if i'm in trouble cuz i've avoided my father since i got home.. i should go to sleep tho cuz we're goin to the penis-anus (psns) gym all dday.. i wanna see Resident Evil, too.. damn.. i neeeeeeeeeeeed monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnney ! argh..

why is everyone ending with a song now? i would, but i played it out for myself..

ahh.. wtf..

staying up all night just to write.. a love song, for no one.. i'm tired of being alone.. so hurry up and get here...

Friday, March 15, 2002

i'LL savE yOu....*AHEM* hahah...... SHIM SHIM HEH!!! : bOreD!!!!!

melissa: je veux aller a tacoma quand votre pere de partir et...maintainent, je me suis reveiller a 6 h parce que j'ai conduise mon pere a PSNS. oh...pour le blog de le dix de mars, merci boucoup, cinq moin! jespere pour encore! .. le nuit d'import cest la weekend apres 'spring break' le samedi prochain, je pense le treize avril. je ne suis pas de voiture. tu sais? moi aussi, je ne peux pas attendra pour votre pere de partir. he he he he. hrmm... dorien pour le dejeuner....le fois prochain.. ^.^

hrm..i dont know whats going on in here..lols..i don't keep up..but yeah..imma go now..its 7:30!! dammit!!
oh hey!! i for sure want to go to OLY's next day! imma ask for 2 sponsors. hopefuly my boy can come! u think? i hope! yah!! we need to all go!

love yah

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

oOh yea baYbee!!! 1/2 daY tommarrow... ^_^ anD a paR-taY! hAhAh~~ heLL yeaS... i can't wait tiLL sprinG breaK... i getta gO to a isLanD.. i think.... we're nOt sure yet... but hOpefuLLy we can!! ^_^ Chey-ji-dO! heLL yea! hahah... wOrkin' on mY abS.. aLL thOse crunChEs anD siT-uPs... can ya saY "uh-Oh" hahah... ok .. yea... weLL... Na GaHn da~: imma gO~ bYe

eY.. whEn does your guy'S sprinG breaK starT?! ... juSS wOnderinG..

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

hmm.. alrighty.. well, if i go to school tomorrow, you can tell me.. alright? va bene.. alright.. Peace..

oh yea.. no one has anymore links they want me to add?

aye wassup .. anybody know a guy name FELIPE from p.O.???????

she said that she blogged before you.. anywho, do you still have my ASB card rachel? i need it for the track meets!

btw, i'm home sick right now.. i went to the library and i watched Episode 1.. ha ha.. whatever..

Monday, March 11, 2002

i didn't havE to gO to sChooL today... i'm siCk... >_<

SAY WHA?! ahah.. i onLy went up to the firSt yeaR in spaniSh!!! sO i dunNO anything eLse!! aigOoOoOo!! =_= i'm so tireD and i have to wOrk sOon.. so i'm juss waitin' for her...

Sunday, March 10, 2002

alright! everyone's all talking in foreign languages, except no one speaks my favorite language.. ITALIAN! i wanna learn it.. i kno a few phrases like "chebello" and "va bene", but that's it..

HEY! did anyone watch the Star Wars trailer? it's was FRGGN tyte.. and uh.. you may have noticed what i did if you look at the blog as a webpage.. ha ha ha.. i had to.. i'ma fanboy.. anywho, i drank some sleeping tea and now i'm feeling the effects.. adio!

- [ ( o _ O ) ] -

uhh how bout we NOT speak in spanish... (dont get me wrong though..i can understand it :D)

wow.. todas personas pueden hablar en otras idiomas, pero lo eso es el solo que yo se.. a noche yo ve la pelicula John Q y o es muy bueno.. pero yo casi llore porque es muy triste..

anywho.. these are the ones that i kno..

callete (kai-ye-te): shut up
punto/a (poon-to/a): bitch
que tal (kay-tall): what's up
que pasa (kay-paa-saa): what's goin on
yo abrieno (yo-aub-ree-en-do): i'm cumming
nino (nin-yo): boy [or chico]
nina (nin-ya): girl [or chica]
mujer (moo-hair): woman
hombre (om-breh): man
voy a cambiar el agua de peces: i need to take a sh*t (literally translated, it means "i am goin to change the fish water")

and yea.. the new STAR WARS trailer premiers tonight on Fox right after Malcolm in the Middle and

ok then.. gtg..

bye bye

- [ ( o _ O ) ] -

SHIBAL!!! JA GO SHIB PO!!!!!!! : SHIET! I WANNA SLEEP!! =_= i'm so friggin' sLeePy!! and i have to take mY terra nOve sCiencE tOday with another teSt 7th periOd.... strEEt LAw.. i miGhT aS weLL juSS diE... (x_x) daYam... anD i think i'm gettin' siCk!!! friGGin' a!! gRrrrRRr!!

pyun tEh: pervErt
gun yang : juSS becauSe
gang pEh : ganSter
chO-um : fiRst timE
nAm-jAh : bOy
yOh-jAh : girL

i'm ouT... bYe

Saturday, March 09, 2002

ooh yea.. anD whO's eRicK?.... sOrrY i dunnO mOst of ya'LLs....... ~@(^_^)@~

yEh yEh eE.. hahah.. i knEw you'D LikE mY kOrean skiLLz..... tO baD... i.... uhhhh... dOn't knOw THAT muCh kOrean.. =_= hahah~~ yea... weLL mY bOdy stiLL feeLs LikE i'm roLLin' in circLes... cauSe mE and my friends went to LottE wOrLd anD they put me in a hamSter baLL...... ::oOoOoO:: hahah... cRaZineSs~~ i gotta cLean sOon... so... JAL GA! ^_^ it meanS.. "bYe oR sEe-yA!"

aww someone took red already!! dammit..sokay!! i'll chose regular on this blogspot

here my stats. ereone's doing it..hrmm

french he he he
nom: jessieca
l'ecole: central kitsap high skewl
aim: urbebygrl
age: 16
nat: flip
dahh im done!! ha ha ha ha ha

dats kew!! u guys shold show erick the korean language!! he'd love it!!
dats awesome MaNiNo

Friday, March 08, 2002


*e-rum: namE* MaNinO, AmanDa
*saL-e: aGe* 15 anD 2 mOnthS and 20 daYs... wOo hOo!!
*AIM* NaErOk8MiN4LyfE
*hAg-gyo: sChooL* SAHS.. seouL amErican hiGh sChooL -_-;;
*hObbiEs* swimminG, phOtOgraPhY, chiLLin', shoPPinG! "^o^".. anD paRtyinG!! ~!~ T_T

anD yea~ ya'LL wanna knOw sOme kOrean?! OFCOARSE!! na zzang e yah! = i'm the beSt! sa RanG hEh~= i LovE yOu~ bbO bbO ju Seh yO~= gimmE a kiSs bbO bbO juG geh = i'LL givE yOu a kiSs *mEh rOnG* = nAnnY NaNNy bOo bOo~ bAbO gO chu mO rEe = stOopiD diCk heaD. shibaL! = shiEt! aigOo~~ =mayAn~~ anD yea.. hahhaha....imma dO thiS mOre often!!!! ^^;;

hey guys.. i wanna do mine..

alias: Andrew Ray Bueno aka Dru
school: Olympic High School.. home of the Trojans
aim: eL six strinGer and aLi3n inCubus
age: 16.567430069
hobbies: tocar la guitarra, ir a internet, "yo tengo dinero"- Jeni, levar los pesos..

and so on..

Thursday, March 07, 2002

uhh, ok since SOMEONE *ahem* took my color! This blue will have to do.-haha damn im smart! I didnt know i had a 3.6! Dang! thats cool! haha. Uhh wat happened to u dru/jeni? Today we had "SAVE" (very dumb club...but looks good 4 college! and it gets me out of classes!). They were assigning roles 4 that play. And figuring who do wat 4 props. LOL im gonna turn on the music and open and close the curtain! I feel so important! uhh and i guess ill write a short profile....
::name:: Philip
::skool:: Oly BABY!
::AIM:: Phily86
::description:: 5'5" with brown eyes, smile liek the sunrise :D. haha wat can i say, im a crest kid :D

alright! ha ha.. i just bought 'Legend of the Red Dragon' w/ Jet Li.. it's pretty tyte, but it's the most violent movie featuring Jet Li.. he's killing people right in front of his son.. anywho, i want everyone to claim a color so i don't have to.. muhahaha.. anywho, i reserve orange.. argh.. too bad i didn't get to do anything i wanted today..

| M | i | S | s | | $ | h | O | r | D | e | E |
hey wasSup peepz?
dayam.. its about to sn0w over here in SiLvErDaLe...cold as fucC..s0o how is everyone up in here?
even tho i dont know anyone of y0oh guyz.. besides lee.. (( wasSup lee ))? anyways... my day was iight today
that *SoMeOnE* was l0ok'n hella g0od !! my baby!!! if y0oh wanna kno who it is ask meE.. haha
well im about t0o dip n0w! s0o talk to ya'll later! here's my InFo on meE
*name* ~> |D|e|S|i|R|a|E|
*sch0ol* ~> CeNtRaL kItSaP * FrEsHmEn*
*AiM* ~> cKsBaBe21 or OoLiLShOrDeEoO
if ya wanna know more just IM meE! ttyl! byeE

ok ok~~ i did it right.. nOw who's pRouD of me?! cOmmOn!! lemme see a shOw of hanDs! there ya gO! ^_^ yea... my a$$ stiLL huRts.. imma shOwer and aLL that gOod stuff.. so ttyL!!

yEe-hAw~! rOunD em uP! hahah.. ok.. :: b O r e D :: daYam... my aSs huRts riGhT nOw.. i hate thiS friggin' chaiR.. eY jEni.. did you get mY e-maiL?! i sent it a whiLe agO.... like.... 2 dayS? hah.. but yea.. juSS cheCkin'.... anD danGg whY is everyone cLain' coLors?! yannO oNe daY.. it's gunna get oLd..and you guyS aren't ever gunna wanna uSe it again.. but juss so we have an understanDing... RED IS MINE!! hahahah~!! ^_^ hahah... hYpocRiticaL!! i know i know.. thank you.. thank you.. hah.. ok.. weLL imma cheCk if i did thiS coLor thinG bRb~

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

well hello all.. hmm.. someone name some new-ish songs to dL.. i need some new music.. hey jeni.. since i'm an administrator now can i invite some people? it's overcrowed anywaize so why the hell not? and yea.. my penis itches..

i tagged light green as my color..but hey..dis is jessiEca bloggin, iight? nice to meet all yah peeps...maybe i coiuld get to kno y'all, awl good? well im outs...friends studying..actually talking..Lols..

hey whoa .. lots of people!!

ha ha ha ha ha ha

.. nothing muchs goin on here.. dahh im not at home..

my phrase of the day:

hEy wHaSSuP ppLs?! daYam.. tOday i have to dO some mOre TERRA NOVA teStin'... -_-;; i think it's the math thing today.. but that's pretty eaSy... so yea~ but i wOke uP kinda LaTe..and i'm dreSSin' like a sCruB today! ~.~ aw-weLL.. i'm so friggin' tiReD yO!!! =_= aRgh! but g2g!! bYe dOrks!! "^o^"

oH mY friGGin' gOsh!! i juSS bLoggEd befOre sChoOL.. anD nOw it's 8:12PM anD LikE 200 bLoGs are uP here... ((not reaLLy.. but YANNO)) daYam.. hEhEh~ tOday i haD pOLiCe expLOreRs... anD yea.. sChooL waS straiGht uP bOrinG today! -_-; oOh anD yannO that 90% ya'LLs was taLkin' about here... ALMOST EVERYONE HAS UP IN MY SCHOOL!!!!! either that oR have bEen invOLved in it in sOme waY.. ya get what i'm tryin' to saY?! hahah.... ewe...... nevermind.. yea.. weLL i gotta dO CURRENT EVENTS.. dont' ya lovE them?! *AHEM* ttyL!!! bYe~

wait a tic.. what the hell is the URL to this place on the net?

answer to jeni: sure

you guys are all crazy..

.. and you blog too much..

.. damn brown people..


Tuesday, March 05, 2002

ha ha.. anOther trOjan here.. guess what, y'all?! i'm in that 10% of the sex in the school thing.. anywho, i did that running workout again.. ha ha.. i'm doin track while not actually being in track.. weird.. i'ma turn in my forms tomorrow.. hmmmm..

who thinks this is Dru? you guys should KNO that IT IS ME.. tsk.. and i called y'all friends.. j/m! ha ha ha.. hey everyone! i have a female stalker that wants to rape me now.. jeni said it was her, but i don't believe her.. the woman didn't sound familiar, but she knew me, my physical appearance, and my cell phone number! i ' m s c u r r e d . . Rjay- yo tengo tu lapiz y le dara manana.. wow.. there's alot of blogs here.. anywho, i want to create a workout schedule and play my guitar for awhile.. my legs are burning.. and so on and so forth.. peace..

.. just thought that i'd let you kno ..
- [ ( o _ O ) ] -

WTF?!?! 90% of our school has already had sex?! haha OMG! Thats hilarious. And were the supposed "good" school? haha yah rite! Dang im startin to slack again. haha i think i did bad in the math test today! :( CRAP CRAP. haha but at lieast kristen told me wat #1 WAS!-haha. Imma try and start doin my work again..cuz ive been missing HELLA assignments in math. So later.

danGg~~ wHaSSuP?! aRe ya'LL fOrgEtin' abouT uS KOREAN PPL dOwn here in seouL!!! hahah... SAHS... yea your right... oLy is the best.. >_< hah~ sO yEa.. wHaSSuP?!? danGg.. i juSS reaD sOme bLoGs... anD i'm thinkin kEizEr sOze iS dRu... anD he sOunDs sCareD! hahah... i dunnO mOst oF the ppL uP in here eiThErS.. but i wiLL sOon... it's a pRomiSe.. MUHAHAHA~ yea... weLL i gOtsta bOunCe on outtA thiS dOggiE baG... it's 6:19AM anD i gOtta get reaDy for sChooL... pEaYce out aLL of yOu! "^o^"

Monday, March 04, 2002

you guys blog alot..

i wish i was in track..

my stomache hurts cuz i ate a lot of salad..

now i have to use Mylanta..

giraffes have black tongues and two hearts..

i ran alot today and now my legs are all messed up..

i need to turn in my track papers..

i noticed that school sucks..

a stalker called me today on my cell and said she was gonna rape me..

i should do homework..

i don't want to go to college anymore..

the military sounds kinda fun..

what's the URL to this place?

i'll leave now..

bye everyone..

- [ ( o _ O ) ] -

ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! police....i thought i was in trouble!!!!!!!!!!

wow.. hmm where's jeni? phillip is right near me right now as i am in Biology Block doin a lab where we're disecting Owl Puke.. Jeni's in this class too, but she left or something..

Sunday, March 03, 2002

hola la gente.. mi nombre es Andres Bueno.. yo tengo 16 anos y yo voy a escuela de Olympic.. me gusta tocar la guitarra, ir a la internet, y otras cosas..

umm yea.. my name's Dru if you didn't catch it.. and yea.. how's everyone.. i have a headache from picking classes, but this is what i ended up with..

American Lit II, College Writing, PDM, Beginning Gymnastics, Music Theory, Chemistry, Sports Med, and AP US History..

argh.. i need some orange juice..

oh yea.. i'm down with the sex, but i only interact with the women.. =)


- [ ( o _ O ) ] -

hi lets all have sex! ^_~

yo, this is philip. 'all skoolz'? MUAHAHA. Oly rules baby! Remeber that!-haha. big ups to my dawg joey!-haha. safe sex. More like NO SEX 4 u :D. Well i drove today. And i have come to three conclusions:
1) im pretty good at driving
2) My dad doesnt seem to think so
3) My dad is a total asshole
yup yup. im out. buh bye!

And oh yah..."HEY" everyone.

hey jeni!
thanx for the invite..yah! dont forget ck!! i hope this is interesting blog..he eh he..since there's hella peeps, i guess, hopefully not much drama to happen. knawmeanz? iight..y'all if you dont know jessieca from ck =) much love