Friday, May 31, 2002

uhh.. yea.. 5513785! call me and tell me what you're doin.. don't expect me to be doin anything or else i'll hang up on you!

Thursday, May 30, 2002

If you fell for someone that was going out with someone esle... what would you guys do?

..? that didn't reallly answer my question..

Wednesday, May 29, 2002


hey.. what's goin on? i haven't been informed of this..

Tuesday, May 28, 2002


I would have a party, but my house has a lot of expansive items plus my parents don't trust me.

Monday, May 27, 2002

LOL, fun it was.


That was fun.

Friday, May 24, 2002

Great, someone said something. At least I know people aren't dead.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Its a maybe. It was rainning when the sun was out when I was walking home. Stupid weather.

hey lee! if you go to the picnic i'll play that one song named after you! muha ha ha.. too bad band gets to go to Disneyland.. those bastards.. they best get me something.. and yea.. arggh.. i wanna go.. and/or i wanna see someone.. eeek!

I was asking my self this question in Math class. I don't know how it came to my mind, but is it losing your virginity if you do it in the butt?

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

I finally read the thing in Jeni's Info. I'm not gay or anything, but I just find it vulgar.

Huh? Well, I like chinese girls...Shiroyuken!

what? cuz of her and lee's info? ha ha ha.. i find that stuff funny as hell..

Monday, May 20, 2002

...i freakin swear...i KNOW IT!...ur a lezbo! i know it! dont lie! i know it! i can sense these kinda things...(he he lesbians are tite..:P)

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Shes hot. You must admit.

Maybe Anakin Skywalker had a boner and she saw it and she got asrouced causing her to nip? I dunno.

yah about that nippin part (u know i loved that!!) but not SURE..but werent they on tantooie (spelling?) when she was nippin? That place is all desert and its suppose to be freakin hott. And she was nippin? WHAT???? lol...

Yeah, man. Plus Yoda kicks ass. And he has the kick ass cane. Although he fights with his light saber. And the helicopters in the battle look like the part in half-life. Those clones follow orders like bitches. There like ok. Ok. Ok. no disrespect what so ever. It really queer. But the aliens that made them look cool. And Natelie Portman nips. She nips. Can't beat that.

aww what? the only thing good from Episode 1 was the obiwan quigon and maul battle.. and the podrace was alright, but aotc wa hella better! it went back to the feel of the old trilogy and it was funnier and just as badass.. well, that was my opinion.. and anywho i have some dates to tell y'all about..

next picnic is Saturday, May 25, 2002
Noon (12 pm)
Silverdale Waterfront
bring money, food, and whatever

next "Spot" is June 21, the day after we get out of school..
should cost less than $10.. details later..

doode...yoda kicks ass~! whats up with that? That stoopid lil grimlin was doin all these flips and crap, then he goes and grabs his cane to simply WALK again. hah oh wars 2 was kool...but i feel it was missing alot of things i would've wanted to see. Episode 1 was better in my opinion...oh well...

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Fine I don't need your help, I will go about myself.

i don't think i toLd you guyS this yet.. but....
i got another 2 years..... >_< mY dad got an exstention... so i gotta gRaduate here..... x.x

BO GO SHIP POH!- i miss you guyS!

Friday, May 17, 2002

ahem...phiLip...not phiLLip...juss wanted to say that :D.

Thursday, May 16, 2002

geeze...wats with the obssesion of EVERYONE tryin to get with someone else? I mean i want to be with a girl as much as the next guy...but dayam, oh wells watever. Doesnt ne one ever juss chill and see wat comes along.....? ha oh wells..thats juss me! :P Dont worry i aint dawgin ne one...juss a thought.........

By the way..jeni...mark took a picture of this hot girl~! I want a copy of that when u get that shiet developed! (lol)

Well Since this is a bigger Blog page than Brownness and it contains a lot of people from different school I decide I need peoples help. I need to find a girl. I need help. Just help me find one. Please.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Man a hour and thirty left! Too bad I have to wait longer!

Man, I will have to watch it in the weekend.. with a bebot....

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

hmm.. all i kno is that the next one is gonna be on a good-weather weekend.. and that's not this week.. besides, STAR WARS IS HERE! muha ha ha.. i will be feasting my eyes in less than 24 hours.. muha ha ha ha.. in poulsbo.. i get to see the 12:01 showing.. muha ha ha ha..

Ok, people touchinh Philip? LOL that is funny.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Popular? doode wat are u talkin bout? im in here! haha. Dayam talked to my girl from puyallup. Aww shes so great..MUAHAHA. And yah u did rachel! i KNOW u did! cuz i remember u KICKED my butt~! And even though freakin like 50 people groped me that day...i know it was u! sheesh, go hand wash my clothes!

Oh and hey dru..tell me when ur next lil picnic thang is. Me and a certain someone wanna know. So juss hit me up, when u figure out or something...

Man, this is queer. How did I get invited to such a cool place. Man people here are like.. popular. I'm just a basic mallrat with mallrat needs. Hmm oh well since I'm here I will leave my bloggings and such.

Sunday, May 12, 2002

alrighty.. uhh.. yea.. that purple crap was that colored ketchup.. and yea.. you guys should've stayed.. it was hella fun.. except that i bbiffed and f'ed up my shin.. s'all good tho.. for the people that went, how'd you like it?

Saturday, May 11, 2002

dammit rachel got purple crap and mustard on my booty. GO WASH MY PANTS!!

Thursday, May 09, 2002

yea.. like i don't wanna kno what other people kno, only when i kno that they don't kno, and sometimes i find out they kno only after i found out.. you get me? i hope so.. too bad i need a job! someone help! no one is calling me back! argh!

kristen.. just tell him.. i don't see why you want to play this game for so long.. anywho, i need to make something to eat..

Evergreen State Park (first left off the bridge)
5:00 pm
bring some sort of food/drink to share..
bring whatever you want for entertainment..

see you there.. hopefully..

Monday, May 06, 2002

uhh.. hello again everyone.. good night..

Sunday, May 05, 2002

Kristen SUX! i was actually online last nite 4 the first time in how many days...and she didnt even talk to me! HA! i c how it is!! :( psh dats boughetto!

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

dayam my comp upstairs is broken! i think all that porn finally shut it down :(. Dayam no computer 4 me 4 awhile!! :( :(